Monday, November 10, 2008

Landmarks Association provides great history

Andrew Weil has posted a great article/blog about the history of the mound on the Landmarks' website. I was shocked to learn that people have been interested in preserving Saint Louis' mounds as early as the 1880's. I thought preservation was something that always started as an afterthought, many years later. There was also a call for Sugar Loaf to become a park in the 40's...

Another thing I was astonished by was when someone referred to the mound as "Saint Louis' oldest standing man made structure." Amazing! I had never thought of it like that.

click the link to read the whole article

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I question weather this is truly an Indian mound. It looks to me, ( I have been to the site), that the mound consist of loess , which is a fined grained sediment created by the glaciers, deposited in the Missouri and Mississippi river valleys and then blown by wind all along the bluffs of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers. It will stand at an almost 90 degree angle, unlike normal dirt. This mound feature may have been used by the Indians but from everything I've read there's no evidence that this was created Indians. Any geologist want to weigh in?